August 2023

Well, it's been a while. Since the last post literally last year, I have been working almost nonstop on that "super secret project," if you even remember me mentioning that ages ago. Well I am finally glad to say that the "super secret project" is now in Closed Alpha testing, and I am more than eagar to show everyone what I have been working on for more than a year now!

Project Hypernex

What is it?

Project Hypernex is the name for what I have been working on for over a year now. It is a social (Non/)VR Sandbox that aims to bring together people from everywhere, familiar to use, and make it easy to express yourself. There are plenty of ways to achieve these goals on the platform, which I will go into more detail below.

What Engine?

Hypernex is powered by the Unity Engine, more specifically Unity 2022.3.5f1 (bound to be upgraded in the coming future). The decision for this was because of how many people who participate in other sandbox games finding Unity easy to use, and integrated Game Engines limiting or difficult to grasp. Hypernex also uses the Universal Render Pipeline to improve cross-platform support with shading and to allow developers more creativity when working with the rendering pipeline. Please watch the video to learn more about the URP, how to use it, and why I chose to use it.

What can I use to create content?

Hypernex uses what is called the Hypernex CCK (Content Creation Kit), which is a kit of tools which help you create content and upload them to a server. The CCK will make sure you have the correct Unity configurations and packages, and help you with creating content to upload to the platform. The CCK was designed to be very modular, where there is only two scripts and the rest being assemblies. Doing this makes upgrading the CCK stupid easy, not ever having to worry about scripts not updating correctly. 

The CCK also makes sure that content is ready to go for all platforms, providing components such as the MaterialDescriptor, which will hotswap materials at runtime based on platform (which shouldn't even be necessary because of URP), and making sure all assets are built for commonly supported Graphics APIs (currently, Direct2D12, Direct3D11, Vulkan, and OpenGLCore).

Along with Asset creation, developers are provided scripting for all assets (which are currently only Avatars and Worlds, but planned to add more content types in the future). Scripting is available for everything; you can script locally on your avatar, locally in the world, or on the server in the current instance. Coding is textual and you can code in either Lua or JavaScript (with more to come in the future).

From top to bottom, the MaterialDescriptor Component on a SkinnedMeshRenderer, World Component showing off scripting tabs and configuration, and the Hypernex.CCK.ScriptEditor application viewing a script in a World.

What Platforms are Supported?

Currently, only Windows and Android (for Oculus Quest/Pro) are supported; however, support is planned to be expanded to Linux, and other Standalone VR Headsets. There will be no support for the following platforms for the following reasons:

VR is handled on Windows with OpenXR completely, absolutely no OpenVR. This ensures that the application is run with whatever hardware the end-user wants to use. On Android, currently only the Oculus SDK is used. This will not change until Unity's Mono releases to ARM64, which will likely never happen. Other SDKs for other Standalone HMDs on Android may be supported in the future.

What are some simple features?

and there's probably more I'm forgetting, so sorry if you find something unexpected that I forgot to mention.

Can I see a demo?


How can I join the Closed-Alpha program and test this?


Another Side-Project I worked on a while ago that lets you download your assets from VRChat, and extract the AssetBundles using AssetRipper 

Here's how to use it


Okay thank you for reading if you made it this far, so uhh yeah see you in the METAVERSE! lmao if anyone calls hypernex a metaverse im shutting everything down,,,, (/j)


Software Engineer and Reverse Engineer