August 2022

Welcome back everyone! I'm glad to continue writing these newsletters that, give or take, 5 people read. I took an unannounced break over the summer to focus in on startup projects. Most I can't share information about, but some I can!


Let's go over what we accomplished this Summer!

Unreleased Networking Library

I've been working on a Networking Library for C# that is designed to simplify the process for multiplayer communication in C#. This library is similar to RiptideNetworking, but with numerous transports. These current transports being,

  • KCP

  • Lidgren Core (UDP)

  • LiteNetLib (UDP)

  • WatsonTCP (TCP)

with more planned. This library is built with NET 6 and support for NET Framework 4.x. The messaging system is bound to MessagePack-CSharp, with defaulting compression (can be disabled in settings) in order to keep message sized small, and transport times low. This library is set to be released sometime later this month, or next month, as more internal testing is required.


This is a separate program that will read stream data from OBS, and forward it to Discord streams (or any other similar application) without the use of Voicemeeter or Virtual Cam. The innerworkings is that there is a local stream server (rtmp written in Go) that OBS will stream to, and the application will read that stream data, and output to the application (using VLCSharp) with the audio being directed to an output you aren't using. Doing this ensures that you can separate your desktop audio from OBS and only stream audio that you want others to hear (like muting discord and only sharing audio from your browser for example).

The "Super Secret" Project

This project was alluded to in the previous newsletter, and it is still a WIP. Most of the work is being targeted towards Security and Stability right now, instead of rushing to try and get a build out. This program will be available later in the year, or early next year, for closed alpha testers. (see below)



Slow transition back into the workflow

This month is dedicated to slowly getting back into the previous workflow. More time will be dedicated to smaller projects and slowly work up to bigger, bite-sized increments to bigger projects, not to say that big projects won't be worked on.

Closed Alpha Testing Program

now's your opportunity to test cool things

The Closed Alpha Testing Program is available for anyone to apply for! The acceptance rate is currently 99.99% because I probably don't have a reason to deny you! This is a great opportunity for anyone who likes to test software that will break in funny ways, or watch me suffer trying to fix the world's smallest problem. Either way, can't wait to have you on the team!

Monthly Photo

my birthday party on neos :)


Software Engineer and Reverse Engineer